Our cards
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So, what’s the deal with these cards?
We’ve had a rough go as of late. Unprecedented, some might say. A real goat rodeo with a side of $h!t show if we’re being really honest. So much divisiveness and distancing. Both literally and figuratively. At this point, you’re thinking “so what in the heck does that have to do with cards?"
These past few months have taught us the importance of connection. We haven’t connected enough and we’ve giggled too little. So we cooked up this little idea that is Mirth and Merriments. We make cards and some other fun stuff that help people connect and celebrate. They’re quirky. They’re silly. They’re more than a smidge off-beat. They’re interactive in the old fashioned way. They are cards for connection and they each include a little treat. Who doesn’t like a treat? So put your phone down, put on a fake mustache and slip a whoopee cushion under your favorite person and giggle. Just let loose until it turns into a big ‘ol belly laugh.
We miss our people and we LOVE to celebrate. Anything, everything, all the things. We’re “all in” girls. Our favorite thing to celebrate is people - complete with all their differences and quirks. That’s what makes them interesting! We’re not here to judge. We don’t care how you voted, if you’re into fitness or into “fittin’ that entire taco in your mouth” or both! We don’t care if you’re a snowflake, a fruitcake or half-baked. We want you to know that we’d love to have you as part of our tribe - as long as you like to laugh. Because laughter transcends every language barrier. It doesn’t care about philosophical differences or what you look like. It just makes you feel good. So all that to say, we love to laugh and celebrate human connection.
Thanks for joining us. You remind us of everything good in Willie Nelson songs. And, until next time, be very merry and kind.
Air hugs for now,
Mirth and Merriments
Anna, Court and Nic
There’s always room at our table. And there’s usually cake. Okay, there's always cake. We’re a tribe of misfits and kind-of fits and aspires to be fit but maybe not this week (diets always start next week). Wherever you’re celebrating is where we want to be.
The Deets: Our cards are designed, printed and packaged deep in the heart of Texas in small batches. Good planets are hard to find so they are printed on post-consumer recycled fiber content and on paper that is FSC certified because we love our Mother. And our mamas (Hi - Carol, Cherry and Sal)!